Weet iemand hoe dit liedje heet ?
lars | 10 Oct '11 | 22:38
hoe vaak gaat het fout? ennnnn wie verkent er als 1e de route?
kenner | 10 Oct '11 | 22:52
Dit is toch ongeveer wel het gaafste dat er is!
Maar het gaat een keertje fout.
Tja, wie verkent de route? Ik denk dat ze eerst ruim over zweven/vallen, en dan steeds krapper langs de bomen/rotsen.
Maar het gaat een keertje fout.
Tja, wie verkent de route? Ik denk dat ze eerst ruim over zweven/vallen, en dan steeds krapper langs de bomen/rotsen.
RITS | 10 Oct '11 | 22:58
Woodkid - Iron
Ook te horen in de nieuwe trailer van Assassin's Creed Revelations
Woodkid - Iron
Ook te horen in de nieuwe trailer van Assassin's Creed Revelations
J. | 10 Oct '11 | 23:21
ze beginnen met 5e en t worden er steeds minder...!!!!!!
zakhooi | 10 Oct '11 | 23:48
Ik begrijp dit ook nooit! Er lijkt zo weinig marge, en inderdaad even opstijgen lijkt er niet bij te zijn. Een kwestie van vooraf verkennen lijkt mij ook niet heel logisch. (ik heb al een week nodig om in een vreemd bos de weg te leren kennen, te voet ;). )
Ervaringsdeskundige hier?
Maar, buiten dat ik het echt erg link vind, vind ik dit toch heel gaaf en vooral waaghalzerij.
Ervaringsdeskundige hier?
Maar, buiten dat ik het echt erg link vind, vind ik dit toch heel gaaf en vooral waaghalzerij.
nozem | 11 Oct '11 | 12:39
Ik zou het zonder helmpje doen. Lijkt me geweldig met die snelheid de wind door je haar. Als je zo hard gaat en tegen een bergkam ketst help zo'n stukkie plastic ook niks. Iemand enig idee hoe hard zoiets gaat?
Wel grote ballen die gasten! Respect!
Wel grote ballen die gasten! Respect!
Joko | 11 Oct '11 | 16:26
@Joko, ik hoop dat je engels goed is! ;)
How fast can you fly forward?
The average forward speed of a wingsuit is around 160 km/h (100 mph). But the direction flown with regards to the wind has a big influence in the resulting ground speed.
If there are 100 km/h upper winds, flying into the wind, the wingsuit will only fly at a ground speed of (160-100) 60 km/h. If the wind is in the back during flight, the wind speed actually ads to the speed of the wingsuit. Which means the wingsuit can actually end up flying at (160+100) 260 km/h relative to the ground, just because of the push the wind is giving. This is similar to a boat in a river, going slower upstream and faster downstream.
How slow can you get the suit to fly?
A wingsuit has two distinct modes of flying. A slight diving position aimed at flying the biggest horizontal distance possible. Or a more flat position, where most of the lift is used to keep the suit flying as slow vertical as possible. This results in long freefall times, but the performance in terms of distance quite suffers in this mode of flying.
A normal skydive falls at around 200 km/h (120 mph). In a wingsuit we can easily slow this down to about 65 km/h (40 mph). Obviously resulting in a freefall that's 3 times longer than a normal freefall.
If you fly a wingsuit really steep and quickly flatten out the dive, its possible to slow down to speeds close to 0 km/h (0 mph) vertical. This is often referred to as a swoop or plane-out.
How fast can you fly forward?
The average forward speed of a wingsuit is around 160 km/h (100 mph). But the direction flown with regards to the wind has a big influence in the resulting ground speed.
If there are 100 km/h upper winds, flying into the wind, the wingsuit will only fly at a ground speed of (160-100) 60 km/h. If the wind is in the back during flight, the wind speed actually ads to the speed of the wingsuit. Which means the wingsuit can actually end up flying at (160+100) 260 km/h relative to the ground, just because of the push the wind is giving. This is similar to a boat in a river, going slower upstream and faster downstream.
How slow can you get the suit to fly?
A wingsuit has two distinct modes of flying. A slight diving position aimed at flying the biggest horizontal distance possible. Or a more flat position, where most of the lift is used to keep the suit flying as slow vertical as possible. This results in long freefall times, but the performance in terms of distance quite suffers in this mode of flying.
A normal skydive falls at around 200 km/h (120 mph). In a wingsuit we can easily slow this down to about 65 km/h (40 mph). Obviously resulting in a freefall that's 3 times longer than a normal freefall.
If you fly a wingsuit really steep and quickly flatten out the dive, its possible to slow down to speeds close to 0 km/h (0 mph) vertical. This is often referred to as a swoop or plane-out.
crazybertje | 11 Oct '11 | 16:55
F*ck, da's best hard! Thanks voor de info!
Joko | 11 Oct '11 | 17:15
erg vet
Bieah | 11 Oct '11 | 18:56
Het gaat echt snel volgens mij, je schoenen gaan er zelfs van roken........ ;-)